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[안내] 캄보디아 라이프대학(Life University) 교수 초빙 안내

안녕하십니까, (사)국경없는과학기술자회입니다.


캄보디아 라이프대학(Life University) 교수 초빙 관련하여 아래와 같이 안내를 드립니다.

캄보디아 라이프대학 전자/정보통신공학과의 교과목 온라인 강좌를 맡아 주실 수 있는 교수님을 모십니다. 캄보디아 라이프대학은  교수진의 부족으로 제대로 강의가 이루어지지 않고 있다고 합니다.  이에 현지 학생들을 위해 강의를 맡아 주실 교수님을 모시고자 하며, 원하시는 경우 라이프대의 professor-in-residence 로 공식 임명이 가능합니다. (2년 기간)

초빙 교수의 수당은 자원 봉사 성격이므로 국내 대학 강사료 평균 수당으로 책정하되, 일부는 전문 지식을 기부하시는 것으로 하여,  실지급액은 국내 대학 강사료 평균 수당의 50%를 지급 할 예정입니다.

자세한 내용은 아래를  참고해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.


 회원님들의 많은 관심과 지원을 부탁드립니다.

-  캄보디아 라이프대학(Life University) 교수 초빙 안내 -


Life University
College of Science and Engineering
Learning Management System

Instructor Course Requirement


As the world has shifted to various digital learning platform in the midst of a pandemic and to help our society growth on science and engineering, we have also developed platforms that can impact the young generation to academically by providing the best lecturers and best instructors for improving our Cambodian student whom will be a great leader in future. Life University gradated by ministry of higher education to provide online learning program. However, lacking of learning Management System (LMS) especially instructors the development has been limited us to achieve our great vision for students. With the support and project (LMS) & Instructor through Hanyang University professor by teaching online and development coursed between two universities aim to improve and opportunity to our young generation with new experiences and achievements. Due to lacking of professor, university’s truckling to provide full course with right skill to student every semester continually. The bellow courses needed to grand credit and skill for Life university online program. The field bellows are hard to recruit and find in Cambodia. If the student could have change to learn with LMS or instructor one of privilege for them to be eligible student. Also, the student enables to find a job with proper knowledge in career market to help Cambodia economic growth.

DEGREE: Bachelor of Computer Science

As a completion program, entering students are expected to have completed these courses of degree level from year 3 to 4 and satisfied the following requirements.

Department of Computer Science (Course Specific Requirement)




(사)국경없는과학기술자회 드림.



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(사)국경없는과학기술자회 / 04107 서울시 마포구 백범로 35 (신수동) 서강대학교 리치별관 307호

Tel : 02-887-2278 /Email: sewb@sewb.org

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