The World Engineering Education Forum & The Global Engineering Deans Council,
2016 (WEEF & GEDC 2016) 적정기술 세션 개최
* 일자 :2016 11. 7 (월요일)
* 장소 : COEX, 서울
* 주제 : Engineering Meets Appropriate Technology
* 좌장 : 서강대학교 신관우교수
[발표1] : Extension of Vaccine Cold-Chain at Nepal's Mountainous Regions using Renewable Energy System (서울대학교 안성훈교수)
[발표2] : Appropriate Technology as an Appropriate Approach to Engineering Education in the 21st Century: A case study of the Global Engineering Project at KOREATECH (한국기술교육대 신선경교수)