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[안내] ICAES 2019 in Arusha, Tanzania - 1st call for paper Important Post

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안녕하십니까, 국경없는과학기술자회입니다.


오는 8월 9일(금) ~ 13일(화), ICEAS(International Conference on Energy, Aquatech and Sustainability) 2019를 개최합니다.

아래와 같이 안내드리오니 관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.



국경없는과학기술자회 드림.




- 아            래 -




Welcome to the International Conference on Energy, Aquatech and Sustainability (ICEAS) 2019 to be held from August 9 to August 13, 2019 in Arusha, Tanzania.

On behalf of all the committee members of ICEAS 2019, it is our great honor and pleasure to invite you to the International Conference on Energy Aquatech and Sustainability 2019. ICES 2019 is mainly focused on renewable energy, sustainability development, and appropriate technology. ICEAS 2019 will be held at NM-AIST in Arusha, where Innovative Technology and Energy Center (ITEC) are located in.

This conference will provide a forum for the presentation of the state-of-the-art technology in energy, aquatech, sustainability, appropriate technology and related fields. We aim to provide opportunities for researchers to exchange knowledge and promote the international and multi-disciplinary collaborations.

All organizing committee members of ICEAS 2019 are dedicated to make this conference both unforgettable and technologically enjoyable. We hope you join us and have a wonderful fellowship time among professional peers. We are all looking forward to seeing you in Arusha, Tanzania.

Best Wishes,

Conference Chairs
Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn, Seoul National University (SNU), Korea
Prof. Emmanuel Luoga, Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Tanzania

Organizing Committee Chairs
Prof. Eunnyeong Heo, Seoul National University (SNU), Korea
Prof. Junseok Hwang, Seoul National University (SNU), Korea
Dr. Hans C. Komakech, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Tanzania
Dr. Herb Rhee, Innovative Technology and Energy Center (ITEC), Tanzania

Email: Conference.ICEAS@gmail.com 






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